Compare Anti Scale Water Treatment Solutions Prevention
Compare Anti-Scale Water Treatments / Conditioning
(Click here for scale-free Drinking Water Solutions)
Comparison of the Pros and Cons of the Various Anti Scale Water Treatment / Softening Solutions
- Definitely works
- Yes
- Usually *
- Usually *
- Yes
- Requires electricity
- Usually
- Yes
- No
- No
- Ongoing maintenance
- High (Salt is Heavy!)
- Low
- Low
- Low
- Can drink treated water
- No
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Initial cost
- High
- Medium
- Low
- High
- Reduces heating bills
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Appliances last longer
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Reduces water spotting **
- Yes
- Medium
- Medium
- Medium
- Reduces "scum" in tea and coffee ***
- Must Not Drink !
- Medium
- Medium
- Yes
- Installation hassle
- High
- Medium
- Low
- High
* Depends on quality. Cheaper units only charge the water for 4 hours so won't seem to work. Recommended units prevent scale bonding for 24 hours. The key is to make sure the charged water is used before the charge wears off.
** Water spotting is the spot marks you see on glass and shiny surfaces - caused by scale.
*** Your machinery will be protected by all these treatments in that they prevent a damaging build up of hard scale. However the "cosmetic" effects - ie what you see - such as the unpleasant film floating on your tea / coffee might not seem that different, depending on your local water quality. That is why we rate some of these as "medium".
Read more about
Map of UK Hard Water / Scale Areas
Full Information Guide to Water Softening / Anti-Scale Conditioners
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