Hairdresser Water Filters
Water Filters for Hairdressers / Studios and Beauty Salons
Top Hair Salons want to offer their customers the very best. With water, top salons have two main issues: Chlorine and - depending on your location - hard water / scale. The Problem with ChlorineNormal tap water is full of chlorine. While this is good at killing bugs, it does not do any favours to your customers' hair - or your staff's skin Chlorine water leaves hair bleached and / or feeling coarse. Regular exposure can cause brittle hair and dandruff. The chlorine also strips out colourants and affects tints. Medical studies suggest that chlorine aggravates existing eczema or asthma. Perhaps this isn't surprising when you consider that the original use of chlorine was as a nerve gas for use in warfare. Constant contact with your staffs' hands during shampooing can lead to painful and unsightly skin problems like dermatitis. The Problems with Traditional Solutions to ScaleScale is that hard grey stuff that builds up inside your kettle. It creates unsightly water spotting on your surfaces. And it's bad for equipment. In particular it can make your hair washing / shower mixers hard to get the combination of cold and hot water just right. It can also cause long term damage to your water heating system. (Sudden failure of a water boiler can be a huge issue for a hairdressing business. One of the common solutions for scale in hair and beauty salons has been salt water softeners. While a salt softener can give you an improvement over normal tap water it doesn't help at all with skin problems caused by the chlorine, which unfortunately persist. While it is relatively easy to filter chlorine out of the water using standard carbon filters, the problem with these is that they affect your water pressure. This is because the water has to be forced through the "carbon mesh" in order to take out the chlorine. Loss of water pressure is a serious problem. You ideally want it to be flowing at the usual fast rate.
Option 2
The total salon solution
The technology involved is fully certified.
Read certification details and see what it removes from your water supply.
If you have a larger hair salon and want to save money in the long run consider our total water filter.
This amazing filter is small and compact but treats the entire salon.
You can easily have it out of sight, under a sink or in a small cupboard
... but it performs with amazing strength giving you your staff and customers greatly improved hair treatment, as well as beautifully filtered drinking water.
- Sleek stainless steel unit
- Extremely compact
- Very simple to install
- Absolutely no maintenance required
- Uses no power
- Filters your entire water supply
- Removes all chlorine
- British designed and made - reduces your carbon footprint by reducing your "consumer goods miles"
- Totally recyclable - we take back your old unit to refurbish
- Revolutionary patent pending new filtration media designed by British inventor with over 30 years experience in water filtration.
- Your staff and clients get to drink very healthy purified water at a fraction of the cost of bottled water
- Tea and coffee are less acidic
- Water takes less time to boil.
Three size options to fit all your requirements
Click on the size for further prices and other details
Standard size: 20 L / min flow rate - Suit a Small to Medium Sized Salon
Medium size : 40 L / min - £785 plus VAT - Suit a Medium Sized Salon
Large size : 60 L / min - £1100 plus VAT - For Large Salons