Compare Best Price Water Filters
You may already have seen that many under the sink water filters cost in the region of £250 or more
You may understandably wonder why ours are cheaper and whether this means it's because they're inferior to the more expensive ones.
We're happy to let you know that this is not the case. Our water filters are brand leaders and incorporate many benefits not found in other systems.
The table below gives a typical example of how our water filters perform better despite costing less than half as much as others.
Water FilterAN Other 1AN Other 2
Micron size - (nominal)5 Microns1020
THM's (trihalomethanes) ECB's, OCB's, TME's90% to 99%93-96%99%
Pesticides90% to 99%60%n/a
Herbicides90% to 99%89%n/a
Industrial Solvents (halogenated hydrocarbons) PCB's (polychlorinated biphenyls) PAH's (polycyclic hydrocarbons)90% to 99%87%n/a
Discolouration95% plusn/an/a
Rust Particles, Silt, Algae99%n/a95%
Benzene, Petroleum Solvents, Oil Residues,85%8585
Flow rate3 litres/ min1.5 litres / minuten/a
Cartridge replacement6 monthsn/a6 months
Replacement cartridge cost£13.95£20£25
£149 £250
So our Master Purifier performs better AND you can get it for an incredible ONE THIRD the price of inferior rivals
Read more about Our Water Filter
Most products are priced not according to manufacturing costs, but to whatever the seller feels they will be able to get from you.
Quality is a fact. Pricing is a choice.
We aim to offer you a fair deal. Clean water at a fair price